David Binnie is the General Manager of Biofuels at Genesis Energy. His most recent roles include leading the energy portfolio for Tūaropaki Trust where he was at the forefront of creating a green hydrogen business. As head of Supply at Z Energy, he managed the merger of Chevron’s NZ’s supply assets into Z and commissioned NZ’s first commercial-scale Biofuels plant. Dave currently leads the transformation and decarbonisation of Genesis’s solid fuels power generation business, leading the development of a commercial scale bio-mass supply chain for power generation. Prior to coming to NZ in 2011, Dave spent 25 years in global business development with BP and briefly led Petroleum and Minerals development for the New Zealand government.
In 2006 Dave made his first venture into low-carbon energy leading BP’s Hydrogen Power project in Abu Dhabi, a passion and purpose which has sustained his commitment to the transition to a rapid and just energy transition to combat climate change. A restless advocate for change, he believes that the private sector has a unique capacity to accelerate the energy transition by providing innovative solutions, forging alliances and helping shape government policy. “I was schooled in oil & gas for the first 30 years of my career by some of the best engineers and scientists” “The skills we need to transition from hydrocarbon energy to low carbon energy are available now and we can channel them to the ideas that matter most” “The NZ Energy Awards provides unique access to celebrate those who have been bold enough to make those ideas a reality.”