Showcasing innovation

Entry form requests are starting to ramp up, with the hotly contested Innovation in Energy Award category proving to be popular once again.
The innovation category is open to New Zealand energy sector organisations such as retailers, generators, network companies, pipeline owners, oil and gas explorers and producers, and is being assessed for initiatives undertaken over the last two years (started, completed or ongoing).
Winning entries come in all shapes and sizes with innovation being demonstrated across the sector within production and operations through to consumer products and services.
Genesis Energy provided this year’s success story, winning the Innovation in Energy Award in 2021, with its revolutionary Genesis Predictive Analytics Platform (GPAP). They utilised machine learning algorithms to examine historical and current data from thousands of sensors to predict when the health of a generation asset was deteriorating or at risk of failure. This unique platform has produced more than 900 predictive models and was developed entirely in-house and in one year. It has already discovered 40 asset health issues and boosted the lead times for required action or repairs by two months on average. This innovation from the generation team reinforces the vital role Genesis plays in providing security of supply to the New Zealand energy market. A revolutionary achievement that was worth commemorating.
Head to the awards hall of fame to learn about other winners and good luck to all our Innovation in Energy Award contenders for 2022.